I am elated to bring you the following update regarding the Dart Frog Ban in Alberta. Below is an email that was issued on August 21 2015 by Dave Stepnisky, the Director of Fish and Wildlife Habitat Policy. In it he states that the there will be an amendment to the Wildlife Regulation in Alberta coming (no timetable is give though) Dave does go on to say that only the Genus Phyllobates will a ‘Controlled Animal’ which is the way it was prior to the last change to the legislation. This is very positive news, and we couldn’t be happier.
Happy Frogging
From: “Dave Stepnisky” <Dave.Stepnisky@gov.ab.ca>
To: … Cc: “Travis Ripley” <Travis.Ripley@gov.ab.ca>
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2015 6:55:57 AM
Subject: Request for progress update on Wildlife Regulation as it relates to the possession of Poison Arrow Frogs in Alberta
Dear …,
This email is to follow-up on your phone call to my office and our recent discussions regarding the review of and amendments to the Wildlife Regulation, as it relates to the possession of Poison Arrow Frogs in Alberta. Travis Ripley (the Executive Director of Fish and Wildlife Policy) is currently out of the office and on Annual Leave until August 30th, but he mentioned that you may be in contact with us during his absence. While I can confirm that we are working on a proposed amendment to the Wildlife Regulation which would identify only the Genus Phyllobates as a ‘Controlled Animal’, I, unfortunately, cannot provide you with a timetable for the completion of this work.
Further, while the proposed amendment to the Wildlife Regulation would see only the Genus Phyllobates listed as a Controlled Animal for the purposes of Alberta’s legislation, it is nevertheless important to note that the Family Dendrobatidae remains listed under both the “Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species” (CITES) and the Federal Government’s “Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International Trade Act” (WAPRITA). Any changes which are made to Alberta’s Wildlife Regulation will not relieve you of your requirements to comply with applicable federal legislation.
Dave Stepnisky
Director, Fish and Wildlife Habitat Policy Fish and Wildlife Policy Branch Alberta Environment and Parks Great West Life Building, Second Floor 9920-108 Street Edmonton, Alberta, T5K 2M4 Tel: 780-427-3029
What dart frogs are restricted in Alberta?
Only the Phyllobates are currently restricted by Alberta Fish and Wildlife act