Jungle Jewel Exotics is proud to partner with Save the Choco by raising awareness and funds to help preserve the rainforest in the Chocó region. Click here to donate now.
The Chocó Rainforest is one of the most important places in the world you likely have never heard about. The rainforest spans along the northwest coast of the Andes mountains from southern Panama through Colombia into northern Ecuador. The Chocó is a biodiversity hotspot and is home to over 11,000 species of vascular plants making it one of the floristically diverse region in the neotropics. In the Chocó rainforest there are approximately 800 species of birds, 270 species of mammals, 210 species of reptiles, and 130 species of amphibians. Many are endemic to the Chocó region, meaning they are not found anywhere else on earth. This region is also a main corridor for many migratory birds and other animals. Only two percent of the remaining lowland Chocó remains in Ecuador, making it one of the most threatened biological hotspots in the world.

The Chocó is under heavy threat daily of being wiped out by clear cutting of the rainforest by illegal logging activity and massive palm oil plantations. To make matters worse this region is also home to large drug cartels. As such corruption plagues the governments in the region. The local villages are filled with poverty and have little choice but to work for the scrapes paid out by big palm oil companies, logging companies or get swept up by guerilla warfare of the drug cartels.
How is Save The Choco helping the rainforest? By working with local and global organizations to protect, expand and establish natural reserves in the Chocó region. All money raised is used to purchase pristine rainforest, and then employ local people to preserve it. Save the Choco also helps advise global organizations on the local partner landscape and work with small NGOs to attract funding. They also provide design, branding, photography, and fundraising support to both local and global organizations. Save the Chocó is collaborating with Rainforest Trust and Fundación Jocotoco to help expand, protect and conserve the Rio Canandé reserve, a special, pristine habitat in the Ecuadorian Chocó rainforest. The strength and depth of the combined experience of Rainforest Trust and Jocotoco ensures the remaining habitat will be safeguarded from the onslaught of deforestation. By purchasing strategic properties, we can build a corridor to the larger Cotacachi-Cayapas reserve. It only cost $500 to purchase a hectare of pristine rainforest in the Ecuador Chocó rainforest. Click Here to donate now.

How is Jungle Jewel Exotics helping Save the Chocó? By spreading awareness through our social media pages on both Facebook and Instagram. We have also established a small breeding group of Boana picturata -a tree frog that is native to the Chocó region in Ecuador. We will be donating 50% of each sale of the offspring to the Save the Chocó initiative. We are also accepting your donations through our website, 100% of your donation will be going directly to Save the Chocó, Rio Canandé reserve initiative. Then those donations will be further matched by the Rainforest Trust, doubling up your donation to make it go even further. Click Here to donate now.
How can you help further? Your donations are being used to fund the Save the Choco initiative. However we also need you to spread and create awareness. You can link this page to your blog, and share it on all your social media pages. If you haven’t already, you can find us on Facebook and Instagram by searching Jungle Jewel Exotics. Help show support by finding, liking and following Save the Choco and The Rainforest Trust on your favorite social media sites, such as Facebook and Instagram. You can also tag us by using the following @junglejewelexotics #junglejewelexotics @savethechoco #savethechoco @rainforesttrust #rainforesttrust You can also visit www.savethechoco.com and www.rainforesttrust.org to learn more about this and many other initiatives around the world.