I am elated to bring you the following update regarding the Dart Frog Ban in Alberta. Below is an email that was issued on August 21 2015 by Dave Stepnisky, the Director of Fish and Wildlife Habitat Policy. In it he states that the there will be an amendment to the Wildlife Regulation in Alberta coming […]
Jungle Jewel Exotics to attend WCRE 2015
The 2015 Fall Reptile Expo season is upon us. Jungle Jewel Exotics will be attending the Western Canadian Reptile Expo (WRCE) on Aug 22 10am-5pm and again on Aug 23 11am-4pm in Red Deer Alberta at the Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center. We will be bringing with us several completed Exo terra naturalistic living vivarium. […]
Poison Dart Frogs Are Legal in Alberta
** UPDATE on the Dart Frog Ban in Alberta. Today we met with officials from Alberta Fish and Wildlife as wells as the Alberta ESRD. I am pleased to say that the discussions went very well. We are told that they are making final revisions to the regulations, and the Family Dendrobatidae and Family Aromobatidae […]
Jungle Jewel Exotics Frog List
As 2014 comes to a close, we counted up all of our different species and morphs. I’m happy to say that Jungle Jewel Exotics is now working with 31 different types of frogs and 3 species of geckos. Many of our Frogs and Geckos are successfully breeding, so if you see something you are […]
2014 Western Canadian Reptile Expo
We are putting the final touches on everything that Jungle Jewel Exotics will be bringing to the 2014 Western Canadian Reptile Expo on Aug 23 to Aug 24. The WCRE will be held at the Sheraton Hotel and conference center 3310 50th Ave Red Deer Alberta. The doors open to the general public on Aug 23 10am […]
How To Prevent Fruit Fly Cultures From Crashing
There are many reasons for a Fruit Fly Culture to crash and burn. Click Here for more info on how it happens and how to prevent a fruit fly culture form crashing.
Pro Tip to prevent fruit flies from escaping
Here is a “Pro Tip” for anyone feeding fruit flies. Are you tired of your fruit flies escaping from you vivarium? Have you done all the fly proofing you can do and fruit flies still get out? Is your partner or spouse getting frustrated with you because fruit flies crawling on the floor? Try this simple trick next time you are feeding […]
Rain Chamber for Glass Frogs complete
Finally got around to making a rain chamber for our Hyalinobatrachium valerioi AKA Reticulated Glass Frog … Hoping for some eggs soon!
2014 Spring Calgary Reptile Expo a success
We are very pleased with the turn out at the 2014 Calgary Spring Reptile Expo, with over 3500 guests coming to our booth. It was very exciting to see so many people get inspired and entranced by our living Vivariums and or little froggy friends! We have a few projects on the go and hope to […]
Super Special Sale for the Spring Calgary Reptile Expo
Jungle Jewel Exotics is running a SUPER SPECIAL SALE FOR THE SPRING CALGARY REPTILE EXPO!!!! This weekend only Ameerega Bassleri Chrome Green Blue regular price $175.00 ea. SHOW SPECIAL $100ea. That’s over 40% off Ranitomeya Benedicta regular price $225ea. SHOW SPECIAL $175ea. We will also be bringing pre built Vivarium’s complete with plants, Custom Backgrounds, […]