When is the next Calgary Reptile Expo?
The Fall Calgary Reptile Expo, Hosted by The Alberta Reptile and Amphibian Society (TARAS) will return on October 14-15 2023.
The Reptile Expo will be at, The Genesis Center 7555 Falconridge Blvd NE, Calgary in the feature gym. Please use the gym entrance in the Northeast Parking lot, next to Nelson Mandela High School.
Tons of parking is available plus it’s only a couple blocks for the Saddletowne LRT Station.
Doors Open to the public Saturday October 14th 9-5pm and Sunday October 15th 10-4pm
** come early to be the large crowds!
How much is Admission into the Calgary Reptile Expo?
- General admission is $10 (ages 13+)
- Child admission is $7 (ages 6-12)
- Family Admission is $30 (2 adults and 3 children)
- Children 5 and under and TARAS members are free.
Advance tickets now available on Show Pass or at the door.
We at Jungle Jewel Exotics are excited to vend at the Calgary Reptile Expo hosted by T.A.R.A.S. We will have all of our available Dart Frogs, Geckos, Isopods, Springtails, Bioactive Supplies, Terrarium Decor, Substrates, Terrarium Plants, Bromeliads and much more!
The Alberta Reptile and Amphibian Society (TARAS) is a Not For Profit Society that hosts the Calgary Reptile Expo in the Spring and the Fall. 100% of their proceeds are put back into the local reptile community. For more information about TARAS, please visit them at AlbertaReptiles.ca
Click Here to find out when the next Reptile Expo is happening in Western Canada
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