Dendrobates leucomelas Standard frogs include the “orange” and “yellow” populations of leucomelas. This also includes the line-bred “Chocolates” or “Albinos” from Venezuela. Standard leucomelas will often have both banding and spotting across their bodies. These mid sized frogs have a loud, birdlike call, and are fairly easy to care for. They are bold and active […]
Dendrobates leucomelas Banded
Dendrobates leucomelas Banded frogs are bright yellow and black frogs, patterned with variable bands and spots. They are quite confident and enjoy people-watching while you do things around their enclosure. These mid sized frogs have a loud, birdlike call, and are fairly easy to care for. They were mainly imported from British Guyana between 2005 […]
Dendrobates tinctorius Powder Blue
Dendrobates tinctorius Powder Blue are vibrant black and yellow frogs with amazing mottled powder blue or powder grey legs. Like the other tinctorius frogs, Powder Blue are diurnal so they will be awake during the day so you can watch them eat and hop around. Introduced in 1994 from Suriname, these dart frogs are great […]
Dendrobates tinctorius La Fumee
Dendrobates tinctorius La Fumee are the largest tinctorius species, with bright yellow and black markings. Like the other tinctorius frogs, La Fumee are diurnals so they will be awake during the day so you can view their day to day activities. They are quite bold and will watch you back. Their stark color contrast stands […]
Dendrobates tinctorius Robertus
Dendrobates tinctorius Robertus are medium, yellow, light blue, dark blue, and black frogs who are typically quite confident in captivity. Like the other tinctorius frogs, Robertus are diurnal so they will be awake during the day so you can watch them eat and hop around. Introduced fairly recently, with the first import likely being in […]
Dendrobates tinctorius Citronella
Dendrobates tinctorius Citronella are large, bright yellow and blue or black frogs who are typically quite confident in captivity. Like the other tinctorius frogs the Citronella are diurnal, meaning they will be awake during the day so you can watch them eat and hop around. Introduced in 1990 and gaining popularity and availability ever since, […]
Dendrobates tinctorius Oyapock
Dendrobates tinctorius Oyapock (Pronounced Oh-YAH-pok or sometimes O-Yo-Pok, like yo-yo) are smaller, bone white and baby blue frogs. Like the other tinctorius frogs, Oyapock are diurnal so they will be awake during the day so you can watch them eat and hop around. They are quite confident despite their slightly smaller size, and still fairly […]
Dendrobates tinctorius Cobalt
Dendrobates tinctorius Cobalt are large, uniquely and variably colored frogs who are relatively confident in captivity. Like all tinctorius, Cobalt are diurnal so they will be awake during the day so you can watch them interact with their home. Introduced to the Dart Frog hobby in 1990, these frogs are great starter frogs, but also […]
Dendrobates tinctorius Azureus
Dendrobates tinctorius Azureus are large, bright blue frogs who are typically quite confident in captivity. Like all tinctorius, the Azureus are diurnal, meaning they will be awake during the day so you can watch them interact with their home. Introduced to the hobby in 1970 and gaining popularity and availability ever since, these frogs are […]