Intro Ranitomeya imitator “Tarapoto” (pronounced Ran-it-oh-MAY-ah im-it-tate-or tah-rah-poe-toe) are orange, green, blue and black in color. Being a Ranitomeya, Tarapoto are small frogs. These little fellas are quick and can be a bit on the shy side, but may warm up to you if you visit them through the glass a lot. They are diurnal […]
Ranitomeya imitator ‘Chazuta’
Intro Ranitomeya imitator “Chazuta” (pronounced Ran-it-oh-MAY-ah im-it-tate-or cha-zoo-tah) are yellow, blue, and black in color. Being a Ranitomeya, Chazuta are a small frog. These little fellas are quick and can be a bit on the shy side, but may warm up to you if you visit them through the glass a lot. They are diurnal […]
Ranitomeya imitator ‘Varadero’
Intro Ranitomeya imitator “Varadero” (pronounced Ran-it-oh-MAY-ah im-it-tate-or var-ah-dare-oh) are orange, blue, and black frogs. Being a Ranitomeya, Varadero are small frogs. These little fellas are quick and can be a bit on the shy side, but may warm up to you if you visit them through the glass a lot. They are diurnal like all […]
Epipedobates anthonyi Ankas
Epipedobates anthonyi Ankas (pronounced ehp-ee-pee-do-bay-tees) (anthony-eye) (ahnk-us) frogs are chocolate-brown and baby blue striped frogs. These mid sized frogs have a loud call, much like a cicada, and are fairly easy to care for. They are bold and active during the day, making them very interesting to watch. They are a great beginner frogs and […]
Epipedobates anthonyi Santa Isabel
Epipedobates anthonyi Santa Isabel (pronounced ehp-ee-pee-do-bay-tees) an-thou-nee-eye) dart frogs are chocolate-brown and cream striped frogs. These mid sized frogs have a loud call, much like a cicada, and are fairly easy to care for. They are bold and active during the day, making them very interesting to watch. They are great beginner frogs and like […]
Dendrobates auratus Campana
Dendrobates auratus Campana (Pronounced Camp-ana, or Camp-anya, with the Spanish ennay sound) are medium sized, creamy white, and golden brown frogs who can be a bit shy in captivity. Also known as the Kahlua and Cream Dart Frog. Like the other auratus frogs, Campana are diurnal, meaning they will be awake during the day so […]
Dendrobates auratus Colombian Yellow
Dendrobates auratus Colombian Yellow are small sized green-yellow or lime and black blotched frogs who are fairly confident for their size. Like the other auratus frogs, Colombian Yellow are diurnal, meaning they will be awake during the day so you can watch them go about their froggy business. Introduced to the hobby in 2013, these […]
Dendrobates auratus Super Blue
Dendrobates auratus ‘Super Blue’ are a line bred frog, with breeders selecting the most turquoise and the most bronze frogs and breeding them together. Like the other auratus frogs, Super Blue are diurnal so they will be awake during the day so you can watch them go about their froggy business. Line breeding started around […]
Dendrobates auratus Costa Rican Green and Black
Dendrobates auratus ‘Costa Rican Green and Black’ are medium to large sized, aptly named green and black frogs who are fairly confident in captivity. Like the other auratus frogs, Costa Rican Green and Black are diurnal, meaning they will be awake during the day so you can watch them eat, hop, and hang out. Introduced […]
Dendrobates auratus Blue and Black
Dendrobates auratus Blue and Black are medium sized frogs who are quite bold in a vivarium. Like the other auratus frogs, Blue and Black are diurnal so they will be awake during the day so you can watch them go about their froggy business. Introduced to the hobby in the late 90s and early 2000s […]