Intro Ranitomeya variabilis “Southern” (pronounced Ran-it-oh-may-ah var-ee-ah-bill-iss (sss like a snake) are yellow, lime, forest green, and blue in color. Being a Ranitomeya frog, Southern are small, about the size of your thumbnail. These little frogs are quick and can be a bit on the shy side, but may warm up to you if you […]
Ranitomeya uakarii ‘Gold Leg’
Intro Ranitomeya uakarii “Gold Leg” (pronounced Ran-it-oh-may-ah you-car-ee) are orange, yellow and gold frogs, with black patterning. Being a Ranitomeya frog, Gold Legs are very small. These little fellas are rocket-fast and can be a bit on the shy side, but may warm up to you if you visit them through the glass a lot. […]
Ranitomeya summersi
Intro Ranitomeya summersi (pronounced Ran-it-oh-may-ah summers-eye) are orange or copper, and black frogs. Being a Ranitomeya frog, summersi are very small,only the size of your thumbnail. However they are but they are large for their genus. These little fellas are rocket-fast and can be a bit on the shy side, but may warm up to […]
Ranitomeya reticulata
Intro Ranitomeya reticulata (pronounced Ran-it-oh-may-ah re-tick-you-latta (as in latte) are varying degrees of orange, red, or yellow with mild black patterning. Reticulata are one of the smallest Ranitomeya, only the size of a pinky nail! These little fellas are rocket-fast and typically quite bold, having no idea of their tiny stature. They are diurnal like […]
Ranitomeya fantastica ‘Lowland’
Intro Ranitomeya fantastica ‘Lowland’ (pronounced Ran-it-oh-may-ah fantastic-ah) are vibrant copper, blue, yellow, and black colored frogs. Being a Ranitomeya frog, Lowland are very small, no bigger than your thumbnail. These little fellas are rocket-fast and can be a bit on the shy side, but may warm up to you if you visit them through the […]
Ranitomeya fantastica ‘Caynarachi’
Intro Ranitomeya fantastica ‘Caynarachi’ (pronounced Ran-it-oh-may-ah fantastic-ah kay-nar-atch (like “hatch”)-ee) are vibrant orange, blue/green, and black colored frogs. Being a Ranitomeya frog, Caynarachi are very small, only the size of your thumbnail. These little fellas are rocket-fast and can be a bit on the shy side, but may warm up to you if you visit […]
Ranitomeya fantastica ‘True Nominal’
Intro Ranitomeya fantastica ‘True Nominal’ (pronounced Ran-it-oh-may-ah fantastic-ah) are orange, yellow and blue frogs, with black patterning. Being a Ranitomeya frog, True Nominal are very small, only the size of your thumbnail. These little fellas are rocket-fast and can be a bit on the shy side, but may warm up to you if you visit […]
Ranitomeya vanzolinii
Intro Ranitomeya vanzolinii (pronounced Ran-it-oh-may-ah van-zoh-lee-nee) are black and yellow frogs with blue legs. Being a Ranitomeya frog, vanzolinii are small. These little fellas are quick and can be a bit on the shy side, but may warm up to you if you visit them through the glass a lot. They are diurnal like all […]
Ranitomeya flavovittata
Intro Ranitomeya flavovittata (pronounced Ran-it-oh-may-ah flah-voh-vit-aht-ah) are yellow, blue, brown, and black in color. Being a Ranitomeya, flavovittata are small small. These little fellas are quick and can be a bit on the shy side, but may warm up to you if you visit them through the glass a lot. They are diurnal like all […]
Ranitomeya benedicta ‘Shucushuyacu’
Intro Ranitomeya benedicta ‘Shucushuyacu’ (pronounced Ran-it-oh-may-ah ben-eh-dik-tah Shoe-koo-shoe-yak-oo) are vibrant red, blue, and black colored frogs. Being a Ranitomeya frog, Shucushuyacu are very small. Nicknamed the “Spiderman Frog”, these can be a bit on the shy side, but may warm up to you if you visit them through the glass a lot. They are diurnal […]