Hyalinobatrachium valerioi (Pronounced high-ah-leen-oh-bat-rack-ee-um val-or-ee-eye , also known as the Reticulated Glass Frog (which is much easier to say!) They are green, milky white, and you can see through their undersides! The adults are approximately 2.5cm (1 inch) in size, and they like to be in groups. Glass frogs can difficult to breed, and even […]
Oophaga pumilio Almirante
Oophaga pumilio Almirante (pronounced Ooo-fag-ah pu-me-lee-oh al-mer-on-tay) are red-orange and silvery-blue frogs that are only about 2 cm in size. They are diurnal like the other dart frogs, so they will be active and hungry during the day. Small in stature but high in volume, the call of the Almirante will ring out across your […]
Oophaga pumilio Punta Laurel
Oophaga pumilio Punta Laurel (pronounced Ooo-fag-ah pu mil-ee-oh pune-tah lah-rel) or sometimes “Punta Laurent” due to a spelling error on the original import form, are green bodied and silvery-blue legged frogs that are only about 2 cm in size. They are diurnal like the other dart frogs, so they will be active and hungry during […]
Agalychnis callidryas AKA Red Eyed Tree Frog
Agalychnis callidryas (Pronounced ah-gal-ick-niss cah-lih-dry-as), known as the Red Eyed Tree Frog, are green, orange, yellow, white, and blue frogs with bright, large red eyes. These larger tree frogs are nocturnal, so they’ll be active during the night. They are common in captivity and easy to care for, callidryas is a beauty of a frog, […]
Phyllomedusa tomopterna ‘Super Tiger Leg Monkey Tree Frog’
Intro Phyllomedusa tomopterna (pronounced f-eye-low-med-usa tom-op-turn-ah, known as the Super Tiger Leg Monkey Frog, are large green, black, orange, and cream frogs. These larger frogs are nocturnal, so they’ll be active during the night. Uncommon in captivity, tomopterna is an absolute stunner, and is almost the same to care for as Phyllomedusa bicolor. Quick […]
Phyllomedusa bicolor ‘Waxy Monkey Tree Frog’
Intro Phyllomedusa bicolor (pronounced f-eye-low-med-usa, known as the Waxy Monkey Tree Frog, are large green and cream frogs. These larger tree frogs are nocturnal, so they’ll be active during the night. Popular but uncommon in captivity and easy to care for, bicolor frogs have been kept as pets since as early as the 80s. […]
Ameerega bassleri Chrome Green/Blue
Ameerega bassleri (Pronounced am-er-eeg-ah bass (like the fish)-leer-eye , are quite variable in color. Green, blue-green, yellow, or cream, these little frogs are diurnal, so they’ll be active during the day and happy to be watched by their keepers. Common in captivity and easy to care for, bassleri is a beauty of a frog, and […]
Ranitomeya amazonica ‘Arena Blanca’
Intro Ranitomeya amazonica (pronounced Ran-it-oh-may-ah amazon-ika) ‘Arena Blanca’ are vibrant orange, blue, and black colored frogs. Being a Ranitomeya frog, Arena Blanca are very small. These little fellas can be a bit on the shy side, but may warm up to you if you visit them through the glass a lot. They are diurnal like […]
Ranitomeya ventrimaculata ‘Borja Ridge’
Intro Ranitomeya variabilis “Borja Ridge” (pronounced Ran-it-oh-may-ah var-ee-ah-bill-iss (sss like a snake) boar-yah) are orange, yellow, and blue in color. variabilis “Borja Ridge” were formally classified as Ranitomeya ventrimaculata “Borja Ridge” Being a Ranitomeya, Borja Ridge is a small frog. These little fellas are quick and can be a bit on the shy side, but […]
Ranitomeya variabilis ‘High Land’
Intro Ranitomeya variabilis “Highland” (pronounced Ran-it-oh-may-ah var-ee-ah-bill-iss (sss like a snake) are yellow, lime, and blue in color.. Being a Ranitomeya frog, Highland are small. These little fellas are quick and can be a bit on the shy side, but may warm up to you if you visit them through the glass a lot. They […]